Here are some insights about the opportunities and challenges that the Taurus New Moon offers, which I hope helps you make the most of the moment. It includes an overview of this lunation and its unique features. The full article—available as a perk for paid subscribers—also includes calendar connections, stellar reflection journaling questions, self-care suggestions, and dates and inspirations for Moon Mapping this month.
When the New Moon occurs in Taurus we have a great opportunity to look within and see what it is that brings us comfort and an enhanced sense of security. Taking the time to examine what activities and earthly delights yield pleasure can help you discover a sense of rootedness that can serve you well in the coming year.
As part of this exercise, think about your habits: Do they actually serve your personal needs for health and happiness or is the delight they provide mostly linked to their familiarity? Do they assist you in productively structuring your life or are they on some level limiting, as they don’t let you move readily outside of a narrowly defined comfort zone? Reflecting upon your routines and rituals can be a great fount of awareness during the yearly Taurus New Moon.
As Taurus is a very sensual sign, it’s a good time to listen to music, surround yourself with fragrant flowers, work for hours in the garden, or engage in other experiences that allow you to experience embodied pleasure. Your kinesthetic senses may be especially heightened right now and can serve as an additional tool to tune into how you feel about certain situations and people. For example, if you’re wondering whether you should pursue a certain project, let the idea of it sit within you and tune into how your body feels. Do you feel relaxed and comforted or jumpy and agitated? Your body may be able to help you filter truths that your mind is unable to clearly perceive.
Use the Taurus New Moon to help you give shape and form to realizations that have emerged over the past several weeks, which may have arisen owing to the stirring and shake-ups to which you bore witness (for a reminder of this week’s astrological inspiration, see this article). Reflect upon how your inner and outer landscape may have shifted, and how it’s drawn your attention to the value of being practical. Survey the areas where pragmatism can have a big payoff and where defining and completing mundane tasks can bring you great reward.
Unique Features of this Taurus New Moon
On the day of this year’s Taurus New Moon, there is also a sweet sextile between messenger Mercury and structured Saturn. And with this, we may find ourselves more encouraged to architect a communication container in which our thoughts and ideas can be more efficiently shared.
While Taurus energy is usually slow and steadfast, it’s important to realize that this New Moon does occur the day before an intense alignment that features assertive Mars opposing reveal-the-hidden Pluto. As such we may find ourselves forcefully digging in our heels in terms of going after what we want, and more clearly realizing what it is that we actually desire. All of this gift us more clarity about the price it will exact to acquire that thing and/or what it will cost us if we don’t get it.
This month’s New Moon falls at 28 degrees of Taurus (the position of the Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or IC/Midheaven) around this degree in Taurus or the other fixed signs—Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius—it may impact you more intensely. (Don’t know your birth chart? You can cast it here for free.)