As the week begins, it may be a good strategy to lift up the proverbial (or actual) rug and see what you’ve swept away under it. Specifically, consider whether there are any thoughts, feelings, or even facts related to a relationship or a money matter that you’ve been concealing, and which now may want to now see the light of day. I say this given Tuesday’s Venus/Pluto Opposition.
This urge to reveal may be for several reasons. For one, the timing may feel finally right to give voice to what’s been hidden. Or you may realize that it’s been fear that’s kept you from expressing what’s true for you and that truly there is nothing to be afraid of. Or it may be that you may realize that if you keep things bottled up for any longer you may just explode. And so facing and sharing the depth of what you’ve been thinking/feeling/knowing may now seem like the path that is not only more sustainable but of greater benefit than the covert strategy you’ve been pursuing.
What gets revealed will likely be fodder for a great sense of further illumination that arises this week. After all, we’ve got a Full Moon on Thursday. And while Full Moons are always a monthly highlight in that they bring things to light, therefore helping us to cast a more illuminated path, this one is of particular poignancy. That’s because it makes close connections with both Uranus and Saturn.
First, let’s focus on Uranus. Yes, Uranus, that very same planet that I’ve been writing about for the last two weeks (here and here), given it was one of the stars of the recent celestial show: the rare conjunction of it with Mars and the North Node. (Between that, this Full Moon, and Uranus stationing retrograde later this month, it’s quite the Uranian month and so  #StayingBouncy and being open to flashes of out-of-the-blue insight may really serve us well.)
With Uranus squaring the Full Moon, surprises abound. What may be surprising may include what comes to light, or the path that it took to reach completion, or the myriad community benefits that it has that you didn’t anticipate. What manifests and how it does so may be beyond your expectations, or even your wildest dreams.
Yet, it’s not just that we need to sit back and wait to be surprised, and even amazed. Surprise and amaze yourself: use the Uranian infusion to break out of a rote perspective and discover patterns and networks that are not your go-to but ones that can actually help you to shine in a way that you know you deserve.
Now, that’s not the end of the Full Moon story, given that Saturn’s also involved. Its focus is quite different: rather than breaking the rules it likes to follow them. Instead of drawing outside of the lines it likes to diligently and efficiently not overstep imposed limitation. Saturn honors structure, time, and strong foundations.
As such, as you observe what is coming to light this week, don’t shy away from really looking at what it’s showing you about how you can be more efficient, bolster integrity, and forge more sustainable solutions. If limits appear, instead of just feeling frustrated or even defeated, see how instead they may be showing you ways to get things done with less effort and more payoff.
A final note: One of the lessons of the week seems to be striking a balance between the I and the We. See how your shining in the way only you can doesn’t just benefit you but can serve the goal of others. See how focusing on a group and its shared aims can spark your creative spirit. Gather with others to celebrate life and the steps you are making—individually and collectively—towards the progress that ignites your heart and stirs your soul.
Be well,
Astrological Highlights
August 9: Venus/Pluto Opposition
August 11: Mars/Neptune Sextile, Sun/Uranus Square, Aquarius Full Moon, Venus enters Leo
August 14: Mars/Pluto Trine, Sun/Saturn Opposition
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 4 hours GMT)
All photos: Solen Feyissa via Unsplash
For all the years that I have been doing my astrology- and wellness-inspired Stellar Guidance sessions, I never offered a service in which we would solely focus on your natal astrology chart. Until the Stellar You sessions I introduced a few weeks ago.
In this session, we will not only explore your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant but also the other unique planetary signatures that are evident in your personal birth chart so that you can further appreciate what makes you you. You’ll learn more about your strengths as well as your growth edges so that you can better understand ways to live a more fulfilling life. You’ll also receive suggestions for flower essences that align with your astrology chart.
What’s also great about this session is that since it’s shorter, it also costs less. Find out more details about it—as well as my other session offerings—here on my website and/or write me for more details.