Many years ago, I declared to a friend that one of my passions was to help shift people’s understanding of Mercury Retrograde. I wanted to bring people’s attention to the intrinsic value that this thrice-yearly, three-week period holds, liberating them from just seeing it as many have: as a period of communication peril. It’s been one of my many passions in astrology. As we sit here on the heels of another Mercury Retrograde (September 9 – October 2), I hope to be able to do justice to my intention in the here and now.
During Mercury Retrograde, as the messenger planet appears to be retracing its steps in the sky, we too can align with potential opportunities by going back over territory we’ve already experienced. By opening our awareness to ideas and conversations we’ve had in the past as well as educational resources, teachers, and information-delivery platforms with which we’d previously been in contact, we may discover important treasures. These may serve as resources that help us galvanize understanding in the present moment, helping us to untie a present-day communication Gordian knot and pursue paths with more clarity.
It seems that some of the challenges that can arise when Mercury is retrograde is related with directionality and orientation. If we are pushing forward and not honoring the kairos’ invitation to go backwards, inherent obstacles to success may become apparent. If we are going at our usual fast pace rather than going slow and honoring the power that pausing brings, we may not only miss important clues that bring advancement but those that can help us sidestep challenges that may exist nearby.
When I think of Mercury Retrograde, the word redux comes to mind. That’s not only because redux signifies something being brought back but also because, like this time period when languaging often presents itself uniquely, redux is a postpositive adjective—meaning rather than being placed before the noun, as most are, it is located right after.
Regarding redux, by going back to the past during Mercury Retrograde, we also see what may have been omitted and not carried forward with us, and by retrieving that, we may be able to rewrite (and re-right) communications both personally and professionally. We can take redux inspiration from filmmakers who use this term to craft newly interpreted work by restoring material previously removed from their original creations (think Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalpyse Now Redux) and music producers who use it to refer to the process of making new work by remixing and remastering.
Note that during this current retrograde Mercury will move from 9 Libra to 24 Virgo. Seeing where this falls in and catalyzes your chart will help you to further understand what this period (including the shadow periods before and after) will inspire for you. As such, it gives you more honed individual awareness beyond knowing that this time may highlight general Libra themes of relationships/justice/beauty and Virgo themes of organization/craft/cataloguing. (Should you want to access personalized insights into this Mercury Retrograde, we can weave this into a Stellar Guidance Session.)
To continue to share my reflections without this article becoming unwieldy, I thought to direct you to my writings from the past on this subject. Here you can find more insights and here some self-care strategies.
Now let’s turn our attention to another stellar event happening this week: that being the Pisces Full Moon that occurs on Saturday. This yearly lunation brings our attention to how our longing for perfection may inspire us while also ushering in both worry and judgement should we not attain our ideals (which realistically is quite difficult, if not impossible, to do sometimes). It asks us to appreciate both the piece parts and the whole. It reminds us that on the one hand things may be discrete and discernible while also being unified and interwoven. It’s an opportunity to focus upon healing, on a mind/body/soul level, including by turning to our dreams, intuition, and imagination to gather illumination about what we need to bolster our well-being. This particular Pisces Full Moon makes a connection with the planet Uranus, and with that know that taking an alternative route and being open to the unexpected may yield brilliant boons when it comes to experiencing joy, creativity, and freedom.
I hope you have a sweet week and that the insights I’ve shared with you—notably about Mercury Retrograde—give you a new vantage point to approach this period of time, inspiring you to sidestep stress while gathering the treasures inherent in the moment.
All my best,
PS: If you want even more insights into Mercury Retrograde, the Full Moon, and other September astrology highlights, tune into So Divine!, the monthly podcast I do with astrologer and tarot intuitive Megan Skinner. Find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on our website here.
Astrological Highlights
September 9: Mercury Retrograde begins
September 10: Pisces Full Moon
September 11: Sun/Uranus Trine
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 4 hours GMT)
Photos: CDD20, Bernd Klitsch, and Tamanna Rumme, all via Unsplash
Upcoming Events
What’s in the Stars for Autumn: Astrology + Jewelry-Making Workshop (September 25)
Gain insights into the upcoming Mars Retrograde, Eclipses, and more AND make a personalized Eclipse necklace at this workshop I’m teaching with jeweler Wendy Woldenberg at WEND. For more details and register here.
The Magic of the Moon: A Book Launch Party (October 6)
Join Megan Skinner and I to celebrate the launch of my latest book, The Complete Guide to Living by the Moon. We’ll gather at the beautiful Cloud Room lounge and explore numerous topics covered in my book that highlight how attuning to the moon can enhance our well-being. Attendance includes a signed copy of the book and a gift bag including moon-inspired items from Olivine Atelier, SugarPill, Wunderground, Megan Skinner, and others. Find more details and register here.
Coming Soon: News About Upcoming Virtual/Online Gatherings