This week, with Mars in curious Gemini opposing both Mercury and Venus in exploratory Sagittarius, be aware that there may be numerous moments in which you may feel pulled in two directions.
On the one hand, you may find yourself wanting to stay focused on the local, with what’s right in front of you, or at least quite proximate, taking priority. And yet, your attention may also feel stretched to consider that which is global and to look at situations from a distance and a wider perch.
Instead of choosing, why not do both? Connect with your desires that feel pressing and immediate while also prizing your ability to understand and value those things that are more connected to your long-range view of life. Be moved by your ability to access what’s right within your reach. All the while, have it catalyze questions that will set you on a quest that will further help you access wisdom that will uphold your values and make you feel more enriched by your experiences.
Relationships may be one of the terrains in which tensions arise. If you find yourself jockeying for a certain position in a partnership, consider whether you truly want that which you’ve set your sights upon or if you’re doing so out of a need to be competitive for its own sake. If the latter, weigh and measure whether the outcome is worth any associated costs it will require.
Additionally, there’s great value in finding common ground earlier in the week, regardless of the concentration and effort it may require. Not only may alliance have more immediate reward than discord, it may help to stem the possibility for an overflow of regret and disillusionment that could stream in as the week progresses.
Lastly, take note that this weekend Neptune shifts direct. And with this, we may find ourselves learning powerful lessons when it comes to our boundaries. In which realms of your life are they too rigid and in which ones are they too loose? Where do they serve you in terms of helping you preserve your energy and resources? And where have barriers you have constructed keep you from feeling more infused with love, compassion, and inspiration? Reflecting upon this may bring great treasures of insight.
When Neptune’s energetic is strong, as it will be this week, edges are softer and motion feels more gliding than plodding. Going with the flow and finding the downstream currents may feel like the path of least resistance and most beauty. Find yourself by losing yourself, in music, dance, and art, as well as your dreams and your imaginative mind. Give voice to your longings, knowing that even if they don’t manifest in the specific way and time you desire that they are informing and inspiring your heart and soul. That said, watch that a spaciness doesn’t pervade your conscious mind when it will be a disservice to keeping you grounded to concentrate on mundane tasks of importance.
Remember that as Neptune is aligned with the god of the seas, that water is one of its associated elements. Tune into its healing and life-supportive qualities while also being cautious that it doesn’t overflow the containers that transport it.
Focus on seeing the whole, feeling a sense of unity, and swimming in the ocean of your emotions. Tune into the source of love and let it flood your heart.
All my best,
Astrological Highlights
November 28: Mars/Saturn Trine
November 29: Mercury/Saturn Sextile; Mercury/Mars Opposition
December 1: Venus/Saturn Sextile; Mercury/Neptune Square; Venus/Mars Opposition
December 3: Neptune Direct in Pisces
December 4: Venus/Neptune Square
All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 5 hours GMT)
Photos: Philip Oroni, Allison Saeng, Phillip Oroni, all via Unsplash
Books That Make a Stellar Gift
If anyone you on your holiday list (including you!) loves astrology, wellness, and/or dreamwork, consider gifting them one of my books. For more information about them—including my latest book, In Focus Workbook: Astrology—see my page on (If you don’t know about this website, it’s a really great one, as it’s a direct and easy way to support local and independent booksellers.)
New Seattle Office
For those of you in the Seattle area, I’m so excited to let you know that I will again be seeing clients in person for astrology sessions beginning December 1. I will be working out of the Shelterwood Collective located in a beautiful historic building in Pioneer Square. For more information on scheduling an-person Stellar Guidance Session, write me here.