Over the past weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about anger, both in general as well as my personal experience of it. As it’s an emotion I have been more than familiar with recently, given what’s going on in the world at large, I felt a wave of inspiration to become more intimate with that seeing-red feeling.
I’ve been focusing on being more mindful about what triggers it and how it triggers me into action and what that experience is like. The other day when a wave came over me, I also stopped to notice how it felt physically in my body (racy mind, tingly skin, and a rash of heat in my solar plexus). I’ve also become curious about what, if anything, it’s serving as a decoy for. For example, when reflecting upon a situation that that had me spinning last week, I realized that I instinctively went to anger rather than feeling what it was covering up: an upset related to feeling extreme disappointment in humanity as a whole. I realized it felt “easier” and more energizing to feel the anger than the anguish that my true emotion was bordering on. That was a huge Aha! for me that felt truly transformative.
OK, so why am I sharing this with you?
Because this week, and for the next year, it seems like anger is going to become a hot topic. The reason? On Tuesday, make-it-larger Jupiter moves into fiery Aries where— except for a two-month window later this year—it will reside through next May.
Therefore, I’d encourage you too to start to turn your attention to this subject, seeing how through understanding how you “do” anger (and its cousins: rage, irritation, and impatience) you can feel a greater sense of activated empowerment. The emotional clarity that can come forth may also help to galvanize another inspiration for this Jupiter in Aries period: the opportunity to champion causes about which we are passionate. Given this will emblazon our personal and collective path for a while, I will definitely write about other aspects of this planetary positioning—and the trends it may inspire—in subsequent articles.
Tuesday is a big day for another reason: in addition to Jupiter being on the move into Aries, it’s also when Mercury Retrograde begins. First things first, remember that Mercury Retrograde is not bad! In fact, it can bring back to our attention things that can help us to fortify our communication. For detailed insights on navigating this three-week period, see this article on my website. Also, if you want insights on how it may impact your sleep and dreams, see this Well + Good article from last year to which I contributed.
There’s another important factor to consider when approaching this week and that is the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse that occurs on Sunday/Monday (depending upon your time zone).
Before speaking about the event itself, remember that the period between Eclipses (the previous one was on April 30) may feel hazy with full clarity seemingly obscured. Therefore, this week, if you can’t quite confidently put your finger on what’s happening in a certain situation (or several), know that this is par for the course. Some possible strategies for orienting through this is to have patience and, if possible, delay any significant decision you need to make. Also, consider that the way that something presents on the surface may not be the full story. In addition, try to access additional information that may help you to discern what’s actually occurring. And given Mercury is retrograde, a time in which treasures can be found in previous experiences, if appropriate, reach out to people from your past as they may hold the keys to more clarity.
As for the Eclipse itself, we may experience the juxtaposition of the practical (Taurus, the sign of the Sun) and the emotional (Scorpio, the sign of the Moon). The interplay between these two signs helps us to forge an awareness that what we see—what has form—is reliant upon that which is unseen but deeply felt. What we are called on to appreciate is that the beauty we perceive is not just on the surface but also exists in the places that we may often shy away from, those we may consider “unseemly” or “dirty.” There is a tenacity that fills the air during this time since both signs are known for this quality: Taurus is stubborn and likes to do what it wants while Scorpio clenches tightly to that which it desires to possess. Combine this with the sexuality inherent in both signs—Taurus from the perspective of enjoying the sensual and Scorpio because of its appreciation of transformative experiences—and you’re looking at a time that may be infused with passion and pleasure.
Given that this Full Moon Eclipse is square Saturn, it does feel like the awareness that is percolating has additional gravity. We may more clearly see the consequences of past decisions. This isn’t bad, per se. In fact, if we’ve been pursuing a path that has really felt aligned, something of significant value may manifest. That said, road blocks, delays, putting in additional time, and the necessity to be accountable may be strong themes this week. Instead of just having them frustrate you, see how they are pointing you towards solutions that may have lasting value.
Be well,
Astrological Highlights
May 10: Mercury Retrograde begins. Jupiter enters Aries
May 13: Sun conjoin North Node
May 16: Sun/Saturn Square. Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Venus/Chiron Conjunction
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time, -4 hours GMT
Announcement: New Seattle Event
If you’re in the Seattle area, I’d love to invite you to join jeweler Wendy Woldenberg and I for a stellar gathering at her gorgeous store/studio. I’ll be talking about the role that the Moon plays in astrology, providing you with personalized insights into where the Moon is in your chart and also discussing how to work with the lunar cycle to manifest projects and goals. And then Wendy will take you through the process of creating a bracelet reflecting of your astrology. Find out all the details and register here.
This resonates so much with what I have been sensing, thank you for the insights!
This class sounds dreamy--I so wish I was in the neighborhood!