Before reflecting upon this week, I wanted to begin by acknowledging what a difficult week this past one was for so many people. And while I could write about it from an astrology perspective, I’m not feeling called to do so. Instead, I’d rather just acknowledge and honor the collective outpouring of emotions and note that if you were/are feeling a swathe of stirring feelings—including upset, dismay, rage, sorrow, or their relatives—know that you’re not alone. Knowing that whether we’re infused with joy or grief or any of the other myriad feelings possible that we are never alone can feel really centering and healing.
Now, let’s turn our attention to this week, one that begins with a New Moon. With the Sun and Moon in Gemini, curiosity becomes an asset. Not only do inquiring minds want to know, but they can help us to begin to decode and decipher puzzling situations. Engage in conversations. Ask questions. Be inquisitive. Invite in wonder.
Corralling your curiosity may seem especially beneficial this week too as a strategy to move through the last days of Mercury Retrograde. Over the past several weeks, communication may have been tricky with clear story lines obscured and delays in transmitting messages a source of frustration. We’ve had to be patient as we’ve waited for important information to surface, notably that which could help us synthesize the various and seemingly contradictory viewpoints that have emerged. And while for most of the week we may find ourselves still in wait-and-see mode, staying curious can give us energy and stymie the sense of stasis we may be feeling.
On Friday, Mercury completes its retrograde cycle. And with that, we may begin to sense that the tides are beginning to turn when it comes to accessing news that we can use to make a plan and move forward. And yet, as much as we may want to push ahead, we may be better rewarded if we do things slowly rather than posthaste for a few days. The reason is two-fold. (Side note: it seems so perfectly aligned that during the week of the New Moon in Gemini, the sign of the Twins that there would be two factors involved here.)
One is that Mercury will shift direct in Taurus, a sign known for its grounded orientation, leisurely pace, and aversion to quick change. The other is that the day after this occurs, Saturn stations retrograde. When the energy of the taskmaster planet is strong, as it is when it stations, we’re reminded of the importance of following the rules, the essentiality of laying a strong foundation, and how time is an inherent ingredient in any recipe. When I think of Saturn, I often think of two of my favorite foreign word phrases: the Italian piano, piano and the Greek siga, siga, both of which allude to the value of going slowly and taking things step by step.
Saturn also heightens our awareness as to the value of things being aligned. Therefore, as the weekend approaches and you consider how you want to share your ideas and knowledge with others, take into consideration whether there is an alignment between the facts you’ve amassed as well as whether the design of your message is in accord with the needs of your audience. Begin to strategize your plans for thoughtful action yet be careful not to move too fast or too errantly, or you may find yourself with consequences you’d rather have avoided.
Before we close, let’s turn our attention back to the Gemini New Moon for a moment. Remember that New Moons are moments filled with the potential for new beginnings. As such, consider what you’d like to bring to life this month, notably in the realms that have Gemini resonance—such as communication, education, and sibling relationships—and then craft an intention that will guide you through the next four weeks.
For those of you who know your birth chart, you can look to see the house in which 9 degrees of Gemini—the location of the New Moon—falls and whether it connects to any of your planets or chart points. You can then use this information to hone your New Moon intention. If you’d like your New Moon intentions witnessed and reflected, please share them in the Comments thread below. (If you’re interested in knowing where this year’s New Moons fall in your chart, what they will inspire, and how to work with them, this is something we can explore in a Stellar Guidance Session.)
Finally, if you’d like more insights on this week, as well as the rest of June, listen in to the latest episode of the So Divine! podcast, which I co-host with astrologer and tarot expert Megan Skinner. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, the So Divine! website, or wherever you stream your favorite podcasts.
Be well,
Astrological Highlights
May 30: Gemini New Moon
June 3: Mercury Retrograde ends
June 4: Saturn Retrograde begins
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (-4 hours GMT)
Photo Credit: Jon Tyson, Sven Read, and Donald Wu, all via Unsplash
Thank you Stephanie for putting things into perspective and helping me make sense of things, you're a star xxx