Here are some insights about the opportunities and challenges that this week’s astrology may offer us collectively. Should you want a survey of February’s astrological opportunities, and a look at the tarot archetypes that can guide us next month, tune in to the latest episode of So Divine!, the podcast I do with spiritual counselor Megan Skinner; find it here on our website or wherever you stream your podcasts.
As the week begins, consider what moves you. What ignites your passions and desires? What causes do you want to champion? What galvanizes your will?
Also, consider how it is that you move. Do you find yourself quickly called into action or do you pull the trigger more slowly? Do you usually take different routes when setting out to get to a destination (whether a literal or figurative one) or do you usually follow the same course?Â
I’m suggesting this because Monday, the planet Mars plays quite a prominent place in the kairos. As it squares the Lunar Nodes, its activating, confronting, and galvanizing qualities may capture our attention, both in our personal and collective lives. It also makes a harmonious trine connection to shake-it-up Uranus, inviting us to approach what moves us and how we move from a new perspective. We may find ourselves wanting to be more experimental, innovative, and try new things on.
Also this week, messenger Mercury moves into Aquarius. Doing so on Sunday, it will then be approaching a meet-up with Pluto (which is exact next Monday). This is pretty powerful, notably too because this is the first time these two have hung out in Aquarius together since the late 18th century.
With Pluto just moving into Aquarius on January 20, where it will be through 2043 (except for a two and one-half stint this fall), its connect with Mercury may help us give voice to the transformative effects it may have upon the Aquarian realms of life, including technology, artificial intelligence, logistics, outer space, future-forward thinking, collectives, communities, bioenergetics, the nervous system, and more. Perhaps we will see breaking news about some of these topics in the coming week.
Personally, Mercury/Pluto Conjunction invites us to dig deeper when it comes to understanding a topic or situation in front of us. We may find we’re encouraged to pinpoint the core of a message when we’re communicating. Additionally, solving mysteries and sussing out secrets may seem to capture our attention with even more interest.
Wishing you a deeply rewarding week!
All my very best,
Astrological Highlights
January 29: Mars/Uranus Trine; Mars/Lunar Node Square
February 2: Mercury/Neptune Sextile
February 4: Mercury enters AquariusÂ
All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 5 hours GMT)
Photos: Drew Dizzy Graham and Ernest Tarasov, via Unsplash
Astrology-Informed Family Constellation Sessions
In case you missed my email yesterday, I wanted to share with you some exciting news:
After years of study and practice work, I am now introducing systemic family constellations sessions into my roster of services. And I couldn’t be more thrilled since it’s a healing approach that has such incredible transformative power!
Whether this is your first time hearing of family constellations or it’s a therapeutic method with which you’re familiar, I wanted to share more details about it with you, and so I created this FAQ backgrounder.
For more about my my Stellar Constellation Sessions, visit my website.
And, as always, don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions and/or want to book a session.