Here are some insights about the opportunities and challenges that this week’s astrology may offer. May they help you make the most of this moment. Additionally, should you would ever like to see how the planetary movements are inspiring you, based upon your personal astrology chart, we can explore that in a Stellar Guidance Session.
Wednesday is the Leo New Moon, a yearly lunation that invites us to be bold and live our lives in a more heart-centered way. It’s a time of initiating new projects or habits or orientations, those that channel our creativity and self-expression. We may find ourselves connecting to our inner child, calling upon it to be our counsel when it comes to shifts we can make that will allow us to have more joy and levity.
While a sense of royalty reigns on the Leo New Moon, it also offers us a great opportunity to witness whether pride is something that’s been getting in our way of living more authentically. If we see that it does, find new definitions for dignity so that you don’t hold yourself back from radiating your unique self to the world around you.
When the week begins you may have some visions for what you want to manifest this month via New Moon intentions. Yet, I’d encourage you to keep your ideas in your mind and heart but hold them loosely, allowing for the spaciousness to reframe and redefine and refine your intentions early this week. I say that because the day before the new lunar cycle arrives, the Sun makes a square with change-it-up Uranus. And with this, we should allow ourselves to be surprised by the realizations we have as well as the events that may occur. All of these may inspire us to take a different look at just what it means to feel emboldened, courageous, generous, and awakened in our heart center. We can use these insights to envision just what it is that we want to create and achieve during this new lunar month.
Given that action-oriented Mars makes a harmonious trine to Uranus on Wednesday, we may find ourselves with an expanded capacity to be agile and flexible when it comes to the ways we move and/or move forward towards the aims we’ve set. Proactively shake things up, moving the furniture around—whether literally or proverbially, or both—to open up stagnant energy, enhance your ability to recognize patterns, and discover more freedom. Doing so may also help you realize innovative solutions that seem so obvious once they stream into your mind but which just moments before you may not even have thought were possible. Be open to new desires emerging, as if from the ethers, that leave you feeling electrified. All the while tap into the clarion call that is boldly calling you to champion for freedom, for yourself, and for others with whom you feel a heart connection.
Have a lovely week!
Astrological Highlights
August 15: Sun/Uranus Square
August 16: Leo New Moon; Mars/Uranus Trine
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (-7 hours GMT)
Photos: Jacqueline Brandwayn and Ashton Mullins via Unsplash