Astrological Insights: October 14 - 20, 2024
The Power-Packed Aries Full Moon Invites Us to Perceive Ancestral Threads
Here are some insights about the opportunities and challenges that this week’s astrology may offer us collectively. If you’re looking to access personalized astrological and self-care insights to help you navigate the now, I’d love to do a Stellar Guidance Session or a Stellar Constellations Session with you.
As the week begins, and Venus opposes Uranus, being adaptive (aka staying bouncy) when it comes to social plans may have an array of benefits. Making more space for there to be a change in time or locale for meet-ups may help us sidestep stress while opening up the space for engagements to unfold in an even more creative and fulfilling way. Also, keeping an open mind when it comes to how you define the value of something—approaching its measure through various perspectives—may allow you to access a deeper understanding of something’s worth.
While this alignment may color how we approach some realms of our lives, the star of the week, astrologically speaking, is likely the Aries Full Moon on Thursday. While this lunation occurs annually, this year’s weaves in two other power-player planets—Mars and Pluto—which both square the Sun and Moon. This may amplify the magnitude of this lunation’s call to action as well as the tenor of depth that it catalyzes.
We may find ourselves very animated to take a stand for what we believe is fair and equitable. In parallel, we may see how any fence-sitting we’ve been doing is actually getting us nowhere fast, recognizing how staying neutral may have been somewhat neutering our spirit.
And yet, asserting ourselves in alignment with what we believe in may feel quite triggering and frightening. Instead of just staying frozen or, alternatively, hurtling forward impulsively, we may want to take some time to sit with and survey what we’re feeling at the moment. This inquiry can bring us exceptional levels of clarity and healing, a gift that this intense moment can yield.
Some reflections questions include:
What is the worst that could happen if I take a stand?
What am I risking losing?
How would this possible loss truly impact me?
When in my life have I advocated for what I believe in, and what were the consequences, if any? Do I sense carry-over effects from this moment in my life?
In asking these questions, you may start to access more understanding as to what is being triggered by what’s occurring. Additionally, doing an honest assessment of perceived risks can help clarify possible consequences and/or have you see that any impact that is caused won’t actually cause any significant harm.
Also, given the involvement of Pluto, the planet that connects us to hidden threads, you may want to explore whether any terror, fear, or disquietude is arising not necessary from your past experiences but through an ancestral tie. This is a lens that have become more and more ingrained in me owing to my work in systemic family constellations. If you’re interested in ways to do so, see this article I just posted to my website.
All my very best,
Astrological Highlights
October 14: Sun/Mars Square; Venus/Uranus Opposition
October 15: Venus/Neptune Trine
October 17: Aries Full Moon; Venus enters Sagittarius; Venus/Pluto Sextile
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (-4 hours GMT)
Photos: Fellipe Ditadi and Getty Images, via Unsplash
Constellation in Support of Kamala Harris
Facilitated by Rotger Heilmeier, Hosted by Stephanie Gailing
Last week, when I was in Munich, I visited with my dear friends Antonia Stessl and Rotger Heilmeier. I met them years ago as I embarked upon my study of systemic family constellations and was immediately drawn to the wisdom, kindness, and deep soulful presence they embodied.
In the brief 24 hours I was there, we had deep-dive conversations about many things, not the least of which was the state of the world: past and present, as well as possible futures. We shared our hopes and expressed our concerns for the moment we find ourselves in collectively, notably as we view the U.S. presidential election on the near horizon. I shared with them how it comes at the tail end of this country’s Pluto Return, a passageway that is testing the constitution (and Constitution) upon which this nation was framed over 200 years ago.
To us, for democracy to flourish, for personal freedoms to be upheld, for collective compassion to reign, we felt it exceptionally important for Kamala Harris to win the upcoming election. We, like many, recognize the precarious moment in which the world at large is moving through, and we wondered aloud numerous times what we could do to help make a difference, notably too as the election is right around the proverbial corner.
The answer: do what we know how to do and offer it to the community.
And so, we decided to offer a free online systemic constellation on October 20, one that I will host and Rotger, a seasoned constellations facilitator and homeopath, will facilitate. During this two-hour gathering, we’ll explore this topic with the aim of discovering a deeper knowledge of what brought us to the present moment and how we may tap into an understanding to support a broader collective movement of liberty and justice.
If this is something in which you are interested and for which you feel an alignment, you can find more details about this event, including Rotger’s reflections, here on this page, where you’ll also find registration information.