Here are some insights about the opportunities and challenges that this week’s astrology may offer us collectively. If you’re looking to access personalized astrological and self-care insights to help you navigate the now, I’d love to do a Stellar Guidance Session or a Stellar Constellations Session with you.
As week begins, the Sun ambulates from Taurus into Gemini, inviting us to a month in which questions, inquiries, and curiosity take special precedence. Instead of the plodding, pragmatic, and low-to-the-ground energy that Taurus represents, Gemini gives us access to waves of wispiness. We may feel more like a butterfly, bird, or kite, which move through their relationship with space, air, and wind. There’s a greater lightness of movement and a desire to flit here and there. An appreciation for being nimble and adaptable can help us discover jewels of information and inspiration that will activate our intellect and spark connections.
Against this background note, on Thursday, a Full Moon illuminates the sky. With the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini, we’re called to reflect upon our educational paths, goals, beliefs, and spiritual pursuits. We could find ourselves striving to collect facts and figures not only because of intellectual curiosity but also because we feel they are the vital ingredients for forging the deeper sense of the understanding that we seek. And yet, through this, we may also find ourselves questioning what knowing actually is and how it comes to us. Discussions of truth, philosophy, and belief systems may pepper our thoughts and weave through our conversations.
Yet, the Full Moon is not the only inspiration that Thursday (and the days surrounding it) offer. Before value-defining Venus moves into Gemini on this day, it makes a union with expansive Jupiter. And with that, we may be able to more clearly attune to what we feel has worth, including ourselves. Growth and fortune may arise through our connection with others as we also more clearly see which relationships yield more abundance, pleasure, and richness. With both Venus and Jupiter making a sweet sextile to mystic Neptune at the same time, we may know love, feel love, and express love through connecting to the soulfulness alive within ourselves, others, and the natural world all around us. Union and communion attune us to our dreams and our imaginative and compassionate minds can help us perceive waves of grace we had yet to see.
Yet it’s not just the Sun and Venus that shimmy from Taurus into Gemini this week. So does Jupiter, which begins its one-year stint in this mutable multivalence-revering sign on Saturday. This heralds a period in which there’s a broadening of attention paid to things under the Gemini domain, including communication, education, air, the breath, the nervous system, things that come in pairs, and several other thematics. Next week, I will share more reflections on this movement and what it may herald.
That said, a quick note: Jupiter moving into Gemini on Saturday means it spends the first five days of the week at the very end of Taurus, completing a cycle it began May 16 of last year. As such, don’t be surprised if you notice a very concentrated presence of Taurean themes and archetypes, including sensuality, security, embodiment, practicality, nature, money, music, rhythms, and luxury. We may also get insights into our relationship to change, our ability to yield, and our definition of serenity.
Wishing you a beautiful week!
Astrological Highlights
May 20: Sun enters Gemini
May 22: Sun/Pluto Trine
May 23: Sagittarius Full Moon; Venus/Jupiter Conjunction; Venus/Neptune Sextile; Jupiter/Neptune Sextile; Venus enters Gemini
May 25: Venus/Pluto Trine; Jupiter enters Gemini
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 4 hours GMT)
Photos: Aarn Giri, Nilotpol Sarma, and Tatiana Parubenko, all via Unsplash