Here are some insights about the opportunities and challenges that this week’s astrology may offer us collectively. If you’re looking to access personalized astrological and self-care insights to help you navigate the now, I’d love to do a Stellar Guidance Session with you. (Also, if you want to get a jumpstart on the astrology for August, check out the latest episode of So Divine!)
This past week, we’ve once again seen how things can change in the blink of an eye, that the landscape can ever-so-quickly reform and reforge itself with (or without) a moment’s notice.
Many people have shared with me that it feels like the pace of movement of events in the world seems like quite rapid. There seems to be a lot of swirl as well as a dynamic amount of energy circulating about. This can be energizing as well as dizzying. As the landscape shifts, do what you can to find a way to stay adaptive, discovering a new steady state, finding ways to keep center, if you feel at times you are in the middle of a snow globe that keeps on being shaken up. Whether it’s being well fed and well rested, moving your body, being in connection with heart-felt friends and family, making space for quietude, taking a news and/or social media time-out here and there, and/or your favorite go-to for feeling renewed, it seems quite important that we gather our resources and prioritize what we need to feel energized and empowered, and not thrown off our center by the speed and frenzy of event on the collective stage.
Later this week, we greet a Venus/Uranus Square. When the planet of beauty meets up with the planet of shake-ups, we’re invited to keep an open mind when it comes to the things to which we are attracted. Instead of just assigning value to something because you have in the past, consider whether in fact it still holds the same richness for it. It’s a good idea to also leave yourself some wiggle room when it comes to social plans in case an unexpected need emerges to pivot. Also, don’t be surprised by changing sentiments related to feminine voices, or for them to express themselves in ways that feel groundbreaking.
On Sunday we greet the Leo New Moon, a yearly lunation that invites us to live in our lives in a more heart-centered way. We’re encouraged to have courage to express ourselves, radiate generosity, and connect to the artist that resides within us.
We may find ourselves in communion with our inner child, calling upon it to be our counsel when it comes to shifts we can make that will allow us to have more joy and levity. While a sense of royalty reigns on the Leo New Moon, it also offers us a great opportunity to witness whether pride is something that’s been getting in our way of living more authentically. If you see that it does, find new definitions for dignity so that you don’t hold yourself back from radiating your unique self to the world around you.
Sunday caps off with Mercury entering its three-plus week retrograde phase (this occurs just past midnight next Monday). This time it does its backwards dance in two signs: Virgo and Leo. When it’s retrograde in Virgo (through August 14), it invites us to review our systems, the ways we approach organization, as well as our relationship with perfectionism. When it then goes back into Leo (from August 14 through the completion of the retrograde on August 28), we can take a new look at the way we express ourselves creatively as well as how we can add additional sparkle to our words or designs in order to really highlight our unique self. For an overview of how to navigate Mercury Retrograde to make the most of it, see this primer I have written.
Remember too that the days before and after Mercury either begins or ends its retrograde cycle, its associated realms feel quite potent. As such, watch out for the potential for information overload, the quick pace of conversations, and the heightened needs of others wanting to share their thoughts with you. Consider metering your exposure to inputs and your pace of output to avoid feeling too stirred up or frazzled.
Wishing you a beautiful week!
Astrological Highlights
August 2: Venus/Uranus Square
August 4: Leo New Moon; Venus enters Virgo
Note that Mercury Retrograde begins just after midnight on August 5 in EDT
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 4 hours GMT)
Photos: Shamblen Studios, via Unsplash
Save the Date! On August 13, I'll be teaching a FREE astrology webinar.
The webinar will focus on using astrology timing tips to help you navigate the moment; we will focus on the lunar cycle, planetary retrogrades, and more. And I'll share some insights into the cosmic landscape for August and early September. The webinar will be recorded so if you register and are not able to attend live, you will still get the full recording plus the slides.
While I will share more details next week, if you want to sign up now to get more information, sign up below.
I'm so excited for this...I hope you'll join us there!