Astrological Highlights: September 30 - October 6, 2024
The Libra Solar Eclipse: Diplomacy, Equality, and Social Intelligence
Here are some insights about the opportunities and challenges that this week’s astrology may offer us collectively. If you’re looking to access personalized astrological and self-care insights to help you navigate the now, I’d love to do a Stellar Guidance Session or a Stellar Constellations Session with you.
The seemingly odd bedfellows—galvanization and obscurity—often tethered together during Eclipse Season continues to stream through our awareness this week, as they have been for the last few.
At once, significant events are coming to the fore, declarations are being made and/or consequential awareness is emerging. And yet, it may be challenging to identify the precise outlines of the accompanying details related to situations in which we’re involved. All the while, the contours of the destination towards which we find ourselves moving may appear ambiguous.
This is often the case during the twice-yearly periods referred to as Eclipse Season. Knowing this, make space for allowing things to be, to not pressure yourself into making a conclusion prematurely, until you feel that it registers within you as deeply harmonious, as giving you more inner equilibrium.
Given that this eclipse occurs midweek, and that it happens to be of the New Moon variety, it should signal that additional clarity will soon emerge. This Solar Eclipse occurs on Wednesday and resides in the sign of Libra.
As Libra is associated with balance, our gaze is focused upon defining fairness, striving for equality, and discovering diplomatic solutions, those that (ideally) take the value of all stakeholders into consideration. At the same time, as we strive to enhance accord and reduce discord, it’s essential that keep our eye on the notion of compromise, seeing when it serves us and the larger sphere, and when it doesn’t.
We often speak of Libra as the sign of relationships, governing the realms of our partnerships with other people: our friends, lovers, clients, and all others with whom we find ourselves in (or want to be in) a flow of social connection. As such, reflecting upon the shifts we’d like to make in our relationship sector is quite aligned with this moment.
Which alliances add to your life and which don’t? Which connections bring you true value, and have you feel valued, and which do not? How can relationships bring more richness to your life, and what is required so that you can co-construct ones that will bring more beauty to those involved? These are some of the reflections that are aligned with the time.
Remember: while a Solar Eclipse accords with New Moon germination energy, oftentimes we find that something is concurrently being swept away so that the field can be clear for new seeds to be planted. The adieu’ing to the old makes space for the new to take root and blossom. And so, if you’re at a place where goodbyes are intermingling with hellos, try to be present to both, seeing how endings are often the other side of the coin in which beginnings reside.
For more reflections on the Libra Solar Eclipse, as well as a way-finding survey of October’s astrological highlights—tune into the latest episode of So Divine!, the monthly podcast I co-host with astrologer and tarot reader extraordinaire Megan Skinner.
Wishing you a week of treasured insights!
Astrological Highlights
September 30: Sun/Mercury Conjunction (Mercury Cazimi)
October 2: Libra Solar Eclipse
October 4: Venus/Saturn Trine
October 6: Mercury/Mars Square
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 4 hours GMT)
Photos: Me (taken at the Berlin Wall); and Paul Campbell and Joel Muniz via Unsplash
Astrology & Tarot Insights for October 2024
In the latest episode of the So Divine! podcast, Megan Skinner and I explore the celestial landscape for October. We start by discussing the Libra Solar Eclipse that occurs as the month begins and how it invites us to reflect upon the themes of relationship, truth, fairness, and harmony. We then explore an array of other October highlights including how with expansive Jupiter and dig-deep Pluto stationing retrograde within days of each other, we may be in for an October Surprise.
Find the episode here on our website or wherever you stream your podcasts.