Aries Solar Eclipse: April 20
Given that this New Moon occurs in Aries—as did the one on March 21—I’m going to shift the presentation of insights I share in my monthly article dedicated to these lunations. Doing so will allow me to not repeat information I’ve already covered. And, more importantly, it will give you strategies for how to best frame the opportunities and challenges that are present via this Solar Eclipse including sign-by-sign horoscopes and ways to look to past Solar Eclipses to understand what is being ignited for you in the present.
As a reminder of Aries New Moon general themes, stellar reflection questions you can use as journaling prompts, and self-care tips for this time, read the previous Aries New Moon article, which you can find here.
One of the unique characteristics of this year’s Aries Season is that it features not one but two New Moons. Given that New Moons accord with germination, when there are two of these lunations occurring in one sign, we have the opportunity to take the awareness and experience that was catalyzed after the first and use it to more clearly inform what we want to bring into form through the second one.
As such, reflect back to the past four weeks, ever since the March 21 New Moon and the arrival of the latest lunar cycle.
What have you noticed when it comes to Aries-related themes? For example, have you seen yourself more connected to boldness, courage, instinctive alignment, the desire to initiate, and the urge to fight for what you believe in?
In general, what has evolved for you over the past month, the seeds of which were planted just after the Equinox in March?
As you reflect upon these questions, consider what it is that you have learned as that insight will help you to refine the awareness you bring to this current moment, one in which something is poised to newly emerge.
Eclipse Overview
Yet what’s even more unique is that this second New Moon—which occurs on April 20 (April 19 for all other time zones west of EDT)—is actually a Solar Eclipse. Even if we can’t see an Eclipse in the sky where we live, these celestial events are renowned for being very powerful in the ways in which they can impact our lives. Oftentimes, life-changing events or reflections arise around the time of an Eclipse.
Yet, remember that reflective of the word itself, things are often ‘”eclipsed” around the time of Eclipses. As such, you may find yourself feeling like there is a sea change in your life, that seeds are being planted, yet you are not clear exactly how they will manifest. Know that that clarity should emerge with the passing of the coming weeks; and so, if you’re not yet clear what it is that is precisely about to be given form, that may be just as it should be. (For a reminder about how it’s important to not draw premature conclusions at the moment, and how observing and allowing for the blurry can give us a new way to focus, see this week’s astrological insights. There you will also be reminded of how with this Eclipse squaring Pluto, it’s bound to be a soul-searching, deep-diving week.)
Along with the sense that something is beginning, around the time of Solar Eclipses, there is also a striking feeling that certain things are coming to an end, so as to make space for the new that is about to take root. We should heed this feeling and attune to what seems to have reached its expiration date and is needing release. (This seems to be one of the reasons that stress levels may be elevated during Eclipse season—after all, it’s sometimes challenging when we know we need to release something that we’ve been holding on to for a while, especially if we don’t yet know what will take its place.) In addition, remember that while Eclipses, like this one, occur at an exact moment, it’s thought that the inspirations of it can be felt beginning weeks before. As such, you may have already been noticing the advent of a sea change about to happen.
Aries Solar Eclipse Horoscopes
There are several ways that we can perceive what this Solar Eclipse may galvanize for us. To this aim, I thought to start by sharing horoscopes that I created for you. I’d encourage you to read the write-up for your Sun sign and Ascendant sign (which is also called the Rising sign); if you don’t know your Ascendant sign, you can discover it here by casting your birth chart for free. Both your Sun and Ascendant signs will give you glimpses into some of the opportunities available to you via this Solar Eclipse.
Instead of crafting the horoscopes in the usual way, I felt called to sculpt them as affirmations. There was something about creating them as concise statements—which you could also use as mantras or affirmative statements—that felt aligned with this moment.